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member since 11 April 2011

Tips for boys and girls - xo

- if you love or just like a girl , tell her b`cos she really loves you
- be there for the girl you love
- Don`t try make her jelouse b`cos is works
- Tell her now what you feel .
- DON`T BE SHY ( and if you are a star...I mean here on deget ... don`t be shy you are a star )

- Girls you can do what you want b`cos I know you know what to do .. and ... TELL HIM NOW WHAT YOU FEEL .. :)
I`m a war of head vs. heart <3
I`m a war of head vs. heart <3
You`re amazing just the way you are
You`re amazing just the way you are
Falling for you !
Falling for you !

Comments • 2

xForever 14 May 2011  
you absolutely right
xForeverAndAlwaysx 14 May 2011  
> ILY :)
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